I've been tagged by Sassy Book Lovers to answer some questions. I've never done anything like this before so thought, why not! Let's give it a go hey!
To participate:
- You must post the rules.
- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
- Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
- Let them know you’ve tagged them!
My Answers To Sassy's Questions
- If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? - I love where I live! I don't think I would want to live anywhere except Australia for an extended length of time.
- What book that you have read have you had the most connection? - I have absoultely no idea! Whatever book I'm reading at the time.
- What is your favourite smell? - Rain (I love that fresh smell when the rains coming in.)
- What is your favourite animal? - Can I pick a Dolphin? I now its not technically an animal but I thin it answers the question.
- Vampire, werewolf or fae? - Vampire definatly. I have lived vampires for soooooo long.
- If you could meet one character from any book, who would it be? and why? - Oh there are so many I would love to meet, I want to say Lestat, from The vampire Lestat, but I think he might be a bit scary. Oh what the heck - Lestat.
- What's your favourite quote? (could be from anything) - "Do as I say. Not as I do!" My mother used to say it all the time when i was growing up and now I seem to always be using it on my kids.
- If you could have one super power, what would it be? and why? - Mindreading! I would just love to know what other people are really thinking, does that make me a bad person? Or just an honest one?
- Latest book crush? Hmmm, there are a few. But I think Patch from the Hush Hush series, I love Patch!
- Which do you prefer hardcover, paperback or ebook? - Paperback, but I am growing quite fond of my kindle.
- What do you enjoy about blogging? - Being able to just say what I feel like and put it out there to the world.
Here Are The Bloggers I'm Tagging.
- Paranormal Reads
- The Cover (and everything in between)
- Paranormal Goddess book blog
- I love books
- Tattle Tale
- The writing between the shelves
- Delphina Reads too much reviews
- Ali's bookshelf
- Best Books
- Totally Bookalicious
- Stacey eaton - Author
Here Are My Questions. (copy & paste)
- Are you a writer, reader or reviewer?
- How long have you been writing, reading or reviewing?
- What book was your biggest inspiration, and why?
- What book is your favourite?
- Do you prefere stand alone books or series?
- Do you like and do you ever read fan fictions?
- Do you dream about the books your reading / writing?
- How many books are you reading right now?
- What are you reading right now?
- Does your family feel you have an addiction to books?
- Do you feel you have an addicyion to boos and can you justify your answer?
For those who participate and pass this on, Thank you! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!